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Drumming for Ceremony / Ritual 

I have facilitated drum circles for Spiritual ceremonies and rituals from all denominations and none. I have vast experience and combine my Celtic Shamanic studies in facilitating drum circles during Imbolc, Bealtaine, Lughnasagh and Samhain as well as the Equinox and Solstice. In 2021 for the Winter Solstice I facilitated a drum circle for forty  people in Slane during the night before walking to Newgrange for the sunrise.

I have also facilitated a spiritual ceremony for the well known mental health organisation GROW. On a number of occasions  I have drummed with various groups at a Mass and I have been privileged to drum at funerals and weddings. I work really well with clients and adapt easily to meet their needs and expectations and enjoy creating and holding sacred space.


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Drumming for Ceremony / Ritual: Service
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